Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Witcher 2 - Collectors edition.

So yeah, The Witcher 2 comes out next week. I must say, after an impulse purchase if a discounted copy of the collectors edition of The Witcher back in Jan 2008, The Witcher is one of the best games I have played in years.

As you can imagine: I am quite keen to get my mits on the sequel. Now, heres an interesting thing. There is a preorder only collectors edition (I.E - order the collectors edition for the release date and you get it - after that date it is unavailable.) the cost of the collectors edition is... quite a lot. £80+ in most places (At least - in all the respectable places) - a bit much... but I think we might go for it, we liked the first one that much.

The original was some of the only entertainment that my wife and I had when we moved to Somerset for work back in January 2008 when she was pregnant with our son. We would lay in bed all day and play The Witcher, so we have a soft spot for the game.

Heres the craziest part though...

People are selling copies of the collectors edition on Ebay (Ordering a number of copies and putting them on ebay to see how many they can sell.) - £120 each... and people are buying them...

Is that nuts? I dont know...

I remember when World of Warcraft first came out - there was a lot of copies on the shelves around here - and down in the south of England they sold out... I actually managed to buy up at least a dozen copies and sell them on Ebay for a tidy profit... I made some money - they got their game shipped in from another part of the country the day after buying... it seemed a fair deal to me :) - Im seriously tempted to buy a copy or two of the collectors edition as an experiment, give it a week from launch then stick them on Ebay... It is a big gamble though, and it is a lot of money... in fact its a prohibitive amount... there is a big margain for loss...


I shall ponder on this more before I head into town and pre-order it for £72 with student discount :D


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