Wednesday, October 20, 2010

D&D Campaign: The Seal of Akatiel Part 4.

As the party rests in the Dungeon, they set up Watch... All seems clear, and no one notices the multitude of eyes watching from a hole in the cieling... Nothing happens until the party starts gathering their things to move on... when two more large spiders leap down from the roof, one grabbing the girls body, one Mannys. They try their damndest to crawl back up into the trap door but a combination of spells, alchemists fire and attacks that cause them to lose their grips on the walls results in the party cutting them down and retrieving the bodies.

The party moves back to the previous room and heads through the southern passage, which leads to a small heavy door, that is open a crack, murmuring sounds clearly audible passing from beyond the doorway.

Karnezer steps forth and swings a hefty dwarven boot at the door... but fails to open it as seems the norm. Tsavong reaches forward and turns the handle, and effortlessly pushes the door open, much to the dwarves consternation.

In the room beyond there are more mouldy sacks and several very old barrels of Dwarven Ale, and a pool of water filling the Southern section of the room. Liana summons a Porpoise into the pool and sends it to investigate - they see it swim down and under the wall into what appears to be a passage, but it does not return. The party assume it either run out of summon time or was slain as it travelled.

Regardless, the party decide to take a swim. The passage travels south for about 20ft, and then turns east and proceeds for another 40 or 50 ft... The party starts swimming through the passage, and as they reach the turn can see there is light eminating from the far end of the tunnel. Everyone manages to eventually make their way through, some with more ease than others. As they exit the water at the other end, they climb a stairwell out of the water and find themselves in a large Tomb, about 30ft by 60ft. A large Sarcophagus is just off-centre in the room, just in front of them, and a half a dozen Coffins line the walls around the room.

The party ignores the Sarcophagus just now and focus on the Coffins that line the room, inspecting them for traps, every one seems trapped although not all are found. Joe fails to disarm one and pretends that he did, resulting in the Dwarf opening the coffin and getting a jet of flame in the face, singing his beard... All the coffins have a mummified body pinned inside, with a small bag of treasures at the feet of each. When the party takes all the treasure, they animate and start flailing at anyone they can reach.

Staying at a distance, they set fire to the feet of the flailing Mummies, and watch as the fire consumes the bindings, destroying them all in short order.

Inspecting the Sarcophagus does not reveal any traps, so the party gather around it to lift off the heavy lid... as soon as they get it to move, a trapdoor in the ceiling gives way to a passage above where a Carrion Crawler is minding its own business, which then promptly drops down onto the lid of the Sarcohpagus and attacks the party. It nauseats some of the party, but otherwise doesnt do much damage before it is cut asunder.

They finish removing the lid, and look down on an armour clad dwarven Skeleton who is clutching a well crafted Dwarven War Axe - which Karnezer promptly yoinks from his grasp and straps to his back.

The party takes a further rest and sets up watch before they prepare to make their way back to the surface.

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