Tuesday, October 19, 2010

D&D Campaign: The Seal of Akatiel Part 3.

The Shanty panty sails through the night, powered by the other passengers and remaining crew who are rowing below deck. During the night, the ship goes slightly off course – the alteration of the party taking the wheel after the navigator was killed in the crew uprising, results in it drifting off course. As sun rises, the course is corrected enough that the ship is travelling the right way, and eventually comes within sight of land. The party cannot tie up the landmarks with their map, but they decide to look for somewhere to dock the ship to take a look around.

A forest which has a tower emerging from it fills in the gap between the shore and a mountain range sitting in the background, further south across a small open plain a small town can be made out, along with a few fishing piers off a farm lined path that runs down from the town, about half a kilometre.

As the ship approaches the shore, to try to land it runs aground on a coral reef. As the front of the ship slowly goes down, the crew start to bail overboard, followed by some of the party. Ceinwen strips off before diving in. Joe sticks around, and sets the ship on fire hoping to draw some boats from the village for a rescue, but when no one seems to be coming, he also bails, and proceeds to sink... Tsavong assists him, and everyone manages to eventually flounder ashore.

Some of the crew also make it, and just lay strewn unconscious on the beach.

As the party recovers, they make out the figure of an armour plated dwarf... trying to hide behind a rock, using a twig with a few leaves on as camoflague. When confronted, he introduces himself as Manny. Manny is clearly insane and thinks he is a rogue, and he decides to attach himself to the party whilst they are there.

The group get their bearings, and Liana introduces Joe to some plants that can have its resin used as a mild poison.

The group opts to head to a keep that they can see poking out from behind some rocks on the hill, when they stumble upon a young girl by a rock formation outside the woods.

She approaches the group and begs for their help, indicating that her sister run off into a cave a while ago with her dolly, and she wants it back... The party finds an enscription on the cave entrance. “King Myrengrad’s Tomb.”

The party spots the opportunity to plunder the riches of a king, and heads on in. Karnezer recognises the name as Dwarven, as was the writing and is especially keen to see what he may have had that he can make use of.

A long passage leads ever deeper underground, and after several hundred yards, the tunnel opens up into a cubical antechamber. It is littered with detritus, and the party moves to check the two passages East and South out of the room, and the long concrete block that lines the Northern wall...

Several members spot something in the chandelier, and try to assail it with objects to dislodge it... Ceinwen casts dancing lights to light the area up and it reveals a gigantic spider, clinging to the chandelier... It screeches and leaps off onto Karn, bundling the dwarf up in its spindly legs, and sinking its teeth deep into his shoulder, weakening him greatly.

The party lays into the spider, except for Joe who blatantly ignores the combat to peek into the next chamber. He soon decides to take a shot or two into the fray. Manny decides to leap onto the back of the spider as Karn breaks free, but is promptly yoinked off its back and bundled up in its arms in Karnezers place.

Two smaller spiders sneak up behind Joe and attack, the large one is finished off and the group moves to despatch of them, and kill them both easily enough.

The group moves out the East passage to the next room, which is like the previous one but with no exits. A cacoon sits in one corner, and some more detritus litters the floor... and two creatures are watching from the ceiling... Dancing lights illuminate the room, and two more spiders jump out of a trap door in the roof – this time onto Manny. As combat commences, Manny throws his shield at the badger to enrage it... hitting it critically and almost killing it... Karn ceases combat with the spiders and moves on to attack him after commiting such a dishonourable act. The spiders soon die and the badger and Karn take out Manny.

Tsavong rips open the cacoon, and finds the girls sister dead inside, clutching the doll. He takes the doll and the girls corpse, and the group settles down to recover from their fights.

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