Saturday, April 16, 2011

Adventures of moving to the new geekery-pad.

So, last night we planned out the big move. We have moved roughly once every year and a half since 2003 and every time we move, we seem to get less organised and pick up more and more crap. This time around we plan to be organised!

We made a packing and task chart...

Which rooms to start on, what stuff to pack in advance, what tasks need taken care off (e.g cancelling services, changing billing addresses, etc.), the list is crazy and seemingly endless - but feels much more organised. Damn having these exams and some remaining admin to take care of before the move is officially official (i.e we actually get moving and don't just lose some of the deposit by pulling out.) I want to start packing and moving stuff in now!

Anyway, one of the things I am looking forward to the most is actually having a gaming area at last! At the moment if I want to play Warhammer I have to set up a single 2'x6' board on the living room floor or go to a friends house to play there. When running D&D and other P&P RPG's (Captain Acronym today!) we basically gather a couple of rickety old chairs around a big cushion and couch, and place a 2'x2' gaming board on the floor with some miniatures and a stack of dice on.
In the new place - the living room is fairly big, and will only have a couch and a couple of bits of furniture, and the kitchen has a 6-seater table. This gives us choice, and space! I cant wait to get the first game under way!

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