Sunday, February 20, 2011

FireFly... to be or not to be? :o

So yeah, the daily geek has been putting posts up regarding the possible ressurection of FireFly...

As I understand it, at the very least Nathan Fillion is wanting to do it - and the old crew (writers, etc - not cast.) are game to make things work - but by the sounds of it they will make it webisodes rather than a TV series.

I love FireFly... I was saddened by Serenity (awesome film, but it pretty much killed off the hopes of a reboot) and the fact that this looks like this could be completely different makes me... sceptical.

If it follows on from Serenity, then things are clearly going to be different (Ill avoid spoilers here.). If it does not, what are the chances they will get the original crew? In my eyes, its going to be a sort-of spin-off of FireFly. Different crew, different format - and if its done in webisode form: Different quality (I have yet to see a web-based series that is of high quality. The best I have seen is The Guild and Dr. Horrible's sing along blog - and they have this "feel" to it that flags them as low budget productions - made for fun, with some impressive results.

Regarding the crew: many of them are main stream actors/actresses now (although some were before) that are contracted in to do other stuff, if they are not interested enough to do it on the cheap - I doubt we will see them. I know firefly was not done with a massive budget, but it seems to add to its charm.

Anyway, it sounds like Im slating it all - Im all for it... Im just worried that its going to be TOO different, but Ill take any portion of Firefly they wish to dish out! Even if it is just the adventures of Malcolm Reynolds and the glowy-bummed space-junker.


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